Willem van de Sande BakhuyzenSchauspieler:
Joep Truijen, Neeltje de Vree, Loes Luca, Carice van Houten, Kees Hulst, Barry AtsmaSeit dem Tod seiner Eltern, von dem man ihm allerdings noch nichts erzählt hat, lebt der siebenjährige Lepel (Joep Truijen) in der Obhut seiner zänkischen Großmutter Koppenol. Als die ihn eines Tages im Kaufhaus einfach vergisst, macht Lepel die Bekanntschaft der elfjährigen Pleun (Neeltje de Vree), die dort tagsüber in einer Pulloverkiste schläft und nachts den Konsumtempel für sich alleine hat. Pleun nimmt sich des Knaben an und macht sich auf, eine richtige Mutter für Lepel zu suchen.
Einfühlsames Kinderabenteuer vom profilierten holländischen Fernsehregisseur Willem van de Sande Bakhuyzen ("Familie").
Years ago, Lepel's parents left an hot air balloon world tour. He stays with granny Koppenol, a mean bitch who constantly exploits him for domestic chores, in her buttons shop and even as accomplice in the department store where she steals the buttons from clothes. After she won't even leave him the balloon kind salesman Max gave him, Lepel, now 9, runs away. He meets Max's slightly older daughter Pleun. Schoolmaster Bijts is also looking for him, but only as arithmetics talent for an academic schools contest. Max accidentally finds out the sad truth about Lepel's family.
Years ago, Lepel's parents left an hot air balloon world tour. He stays with granny Koppenol, a mean bitch who constantly exploits him for domestic chores, in her buttons shop and even as accomplice in the department store where she steals the buttons from clothes. After she won't even leave him the balloon kind salesman Max gave him, Lepel, now 9, runs away. He meets Max's slightly older daughter Pleun. Schoolmaster Bijts is also looking for him, but only as arithmetics talent for an academic schools contest. Max accidentally finds out the sad truth about Lepel's family.