Les grandes vacances
Jean GiraultSchauspieler:
Louis de Funès, Ferdy Mayne, Martine Kelly, François LecciaPhilippe, der Sohn des Schuldirektors Balduin Bosquier, hat Probleme in der Schule; insbesondere in Sprachen ist er ein lausiger Schüler. Daher beschließt der Vater, ihn in den Ferien zu einem Sprachkurs nach Schottland zu schicken. Der Filius hat jedoch andere Pläne: Er will zusammen mit Freunden auf einem Boot in der Seine herumschippern, daher schickt er einen Freund nach Schottland. Die hübsche Schülerin Shirley, die im Austausch nach Frankreich kommt, steht allerdings bald kurz davor, die ganze Sache zu enttarnen.
Monsieur Bosquier, the owner of a private school, is far from pleased when his eldest son, Philippe, fails his end of year exams. He decides to send his wayward offspring to England to improve his English. In exchange, Philippe’s host, a wealthy whisky distiller, Mac Farrel, will send his daughter, Shirley, to live with the Bosquiers in France. However, Philippe has already decided to spend the summer holidays on a yacht with his friends, so he sends a fellow student, Michonnet, to England in his place. The deception is soon discovered but things go from bad to worse when Philippe and Shirley fall in love and fly to Scotland to get married...
Monsieur Bosquier, the owner of a private school, is far from pleased when his eldest son, Philippe, fails his end of year exams. He decides to send his wayward offspring to England to improve his English. In exchange, Philippe’s host, a wealthy whisky distiller, Mac Farrel, will send his daughter, Shirley, to live with the Bosquiers in France. However, Philippe has already decided to spend the summer holidays on a yacht with his friends, so he sends a fellow student, Michonnet, to England in his place. The deception is soon discovered but things go from bad to worse when Philippe and Shirley fall in love and fly to Scotland to get married...