Levy und Goliath - Wer hat dem Rabbi den Koks geklaut?
Gérard OurySchauspieler:
Richard Anconina, Michel Boujenah, Maxime Leroux, Jean-Claude BrialyDer junge Rabbiner und Diamantenschleifer Moses Lévy lernt Brigitte kennen, die als Drogenschmugglerin unterwegs ist. In einer brisanten Situation versteckt sie das Rauschgift in Lévys Tasche, was fast zwangsläufig zu Verwicklungen führt. So ist bald der Gangsterboss Goliath hinter dem Rabbiner her, der in seiner Not Hilfe bei seinem Bruder Albert sucht. Doch mit dem abtrünnigen Albert, der ausgerechnet im Rotlichtviertel von Paris arbeitet, ist er seit langem zerstritten.
A very faithful Jewish man works making diamond dust in his family's workshop, to sell to industries. One day he goes on businnes trip. In the same train goes a very sexy girl, with some heroin bags (you guess it) very similar to the diamond bags. The police begins to chase the girl, and she hides the drug into the Levy's bag. The girl calls his boss ('Goliath') the situation and he and his band begins to hound Levy, who, by this time, selled the bags to a factory, not knowing the content. He has to get out of the problem with the help of his brother and his God.
A very faithful Jewish man works making diamond dust in his family's workshop, to sell to industries. One day he goes on businnes trip. In the same train goes a very sexy girl, with some heroin bags (you guess it) very similar to the diamond bags. The police begins to chase the girl, and she hides the drug into the Levy's bag. The girl calls his boss ('Goliath') the situation and he and his band begins to hound Levy, who, by this time, selled the bags to a factory, not knowing the content. He has to get out of the problem with the help of his brother and his God.