Licht im Dunkel
Arthur PennSchauspieler:
Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victor Jory, Inga Swenson, Andrew Prine, Kathleen Comegys, John Bliss, William F. Haddock, Judith Lowry, Helen Ludlam, Beah Richards1887 reist die Lehrerin Annie Sullivan von Boston in eine Kleinstadt nach Alabama, um die Erziehung der jungen Helen Keller zu übernehmen, die mit 19 Monaten erkrankte und taubstumm und blind wurde. Annie, selbst blind gewesen, bemüht sich um Helen, deren körperliche Gewandtheit sie erstaunt. Annie, die emotionale und intellektuelle Kräfte Helens wecken will, wird in ihrer Arbeit durch die Familie behindert. Trotzdem macht Helen dank Annies Aufopferung, Mut und Energie ihre Fortschritte, lernt die Regeln sozialen Lebens und beginnt zu sprechen.
Teilbiografie der taubblinden Schriftstellerin Helen Keller.
The true story of the frightening, lonely world of silence and darkness of 7-year-old Helen Keller who, since infancy, has never seen the sky, heard her mother's voice or expressed her innermost feelings. Then Annie Sullivan, a 20-year-old teacher from Boston, arrives. Having just recently regained her own sight, the no-nonsense Annie reaches out to Helen through the power of touch, the only tool they have in common, and leads her bold pupil on a miraculous journey from fear and isolation to happiness and light.
The true story of the frightening, lonely world of silence and darkness of 7-year-old Helen Keller who, since infancy, has never seen the sky, heard her mother's voice or expressed her innermost feelings. Then Annie Sullivan, a 20-year-old teacher from Boston, arrives. Having just recently regained her own sight, the no-nonsense Annie reaches out to Helen through the power of touch, the only tool they have in common, and leads her bold pupil on a miraculous journey from fear and isolation to happiness and light.