Liebe und Eis 2
Sean McNamaraSchauspieler:
Christy Carlson Romano, Tom Dugan, Ross Thomas, Scott Thompson Baker, Kayla Carlson, Kim Kindrick, Stepfanie Kramer, Erik Aude, Oksana Baiul, Matt Gallant, Sharon Carz, Natasha Kuchiki, Faune Chambers Watkins, Rebecca Grant, Jack HaleyFunken fliegen und Emotionen schlagen hoch als die ehrgeizige Eistänzerin Jackie sich in Teil 2 des Eislauf-Klassikers “Liebe und Eis” mit Extrem-Inline-Skater Alex zusammentut. Das ungleiche Paar wird von Jackies Eltern – selbst ehemalige Olympiasieger – trainiert und muss sich auf dem Eis und privat zusammenraufen, während es zielstrebig olympisches Gold ansteuert. Doch je schärfer der Wettbewerb, desto heißer wird ihre Romanze!
Jackie Dorsey is the daughter of 1992 Winter Olympics Gold medalists Kate Moseley and Doug Dorsey. She grows up with ambitions of winning her own Olympic gold but that ambition seems to come to an end when she has a career threatening injury. Enter Alex Harrison as her new pairs skate partner and a new chance at Olympic Gold. But can they set aside their stubbornness long enough to actually win the game?
Jackie Dorsey is the daughter of 1992 Winter Olympics Gold medalists Kate Moseley and Doug Dorsey. She grows up with ambitions of winning her own Olympic gold but that ambition seems to come to an end when she has a career threatening injury. Enter Alex Harrison as her new pairs skate partner and a new chance at Olympic Gold. But can they set aside their stubbornness long enough to actually win the game?