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Kevin ConnorSchauspieler:
Lauren Holly, Costas Mandylor, Dorie Barton, Brenda Vaccaro, Andrew Lauer, David Proval, Maria Bertrand, Bruce Thomas, Rodger Bumpass, Alan Shearman, Carol Ann Susi, Gene Davis, Joseph La Rocca, Wolfgang Puck, Jean Pierre Bergeron, Hans PfleidererMarco Polonis Familie besitzt eine Bäckerei in der Bronx. Doch die Zeiten sind hart und so erwägt die Familie, das traditionsreiche Geschäft zu verkaufen. Nun setzt Marco all seine Hoffnungen auf einen Backwettbewerb, der ihm das bitter benötigte Geld und gute Publicity einbringen könnte. Da er einen Partner an seiner Seite braucht, bittet er die Konditorin Grace Carpenter, ihn zu begleiten. Zunächst scheint der Wettbewerb für die beiden gut zu laufen, doch sehr bald ergeben sich einige Komplikationen: Als Konkurrent taucht Jacques du Jacques auf, ein ehemaliger Mitschüler, von dem Marco sich betrogen fühlt. In der Jury sitzt außerdem Marcos Ausbilder Emil, bei dem Marco während seiner Ausbildung keinen sonderlich guten Eindruck hinterlassen hat. Während der Zusammenarbeit mit Grace merkt Marco zudem immer mehr, dass er sich zu der schönen Bäckerin hingezogen fühlt. Doch Graces Herz ist bereits vergeben.
Marco Poloni's family owns a bakery in the Bronx and it seems that they have fallen on hard times and his family is considering selling the bakery. Marco then decides to enter a baking competition hoping that the money and publicity will help them. But he needs a partner, so her asks Grace Carpenter, the baker of restaurant, but unfortunately they started off on the wrong foot, but she agrees. So they go to the competition and things seem to be looking good except for a few complications. One of the other contestant Jacques du Jacques is Marco's former classmate at the Academy, whom he says betrayed him. Emil, one of the judges, is Marco's former instructor at the Academy whom he did not leave a good impression on. And Marco's temper. So will they be able to pull it off. And at the same time Marco finds himself attracted to her but she already has a boyfriend.
Marco Poloni's family owns a bakery in the Bronx and it seems that they have fallen on hard times and his family is considering selling the bakery. Marco then decides to enter a baking competition hoping that the money and publicity will help them. But he needs a partner, so her asks Grace Carpenter, the baker of restaurant, but unfortunately they started off on the wrong foot, but she agrees. So they go to the competition and things seem to be looking good except for a few complications. One of the other contestant Jacques du Jacques is Marco's former classmate at the Academy, whom he says betrayed him. Emil, one of the judges, is Marco's former instructor at the Academy whom he did not leave a good impression on. And Marco's temper. So will they be able to pull it off. And at the same time Marco finds himself attracted to her but she already has a boyfriend.