Liebeshexen vom Rio Cannibale
Edoardo MulargiaSchauspieler:
Anthony Steffen, Ajita Wilson, Cristina Lay, Cintia Lodetti, Luciano Pigozzi, Serafino Profumo, Gilberto Galimberti, Maite Nicote, Yael Forti, Zaira Zoccheddu, Adelaide Cendra, Angela Martinelli, Anna Maria Panaro, Omero Capanna, Robert SpaffordIn einem Frauengefängnis mitten im Regenwald sind die weiblichen Insassen den sadistischen Wärtern ausgeliefert. Einzig der Gefängnisarzt zeigt Einfühlvermögen und Verständnis für die gepeinigten Insassinnen. Als eines Tages eine Mitgefangene unter den barbarischen Foltermethoden den Tod findet, wagen die Insassen zusammen mit dem Arzt einen Fluchtversuch. Doch der Kampf durch den Dschungel ist härter als gedacht.
A women's prison camp is located deep in the tropical rain forest. Sadistic guards and a warden from hell make life almost unbearable for the inmates, and any infraction of the rules is dealt with swiftly and savagely. The camp doctor is horrified at what he sees happening, and drinks heavily to push the horror away. Finally the inmates have had had enough, and they enlist the help of the doctor to try and escape.
A women's prison camp is located deep in the tropical rain forest. Sadistic guards and a warden from hell make life almost unbearable for the inmates, and any infraction of the rules is dealt with swiftly and savagely. The camp doctor is horrified at what he sees happening, and drinks heavily to push the horror away. Finally the inmates have had had enough, and they enlist the help of the doctor to try and escape.