Lindenberg! Mach dein Ding!
Hermine HuntgeburthSchauspieler:
Jan Bülow, Detlev Buck, Max von der Groeben, Charly Hübner, Julia Jentsch, Martin Brambach, Ella Rumpf, Ruby O. Fee, Christoph Letkowski, Jeanette Hain, Saskia Rosendahl, Albrecht Ganskopf, Leonard Kunz, Johanna Polley, Max Schimmelpfennig, Julius WeckaufVon seiner Kindheit bis zum ersten Bühnenauftritt; über Rückschläge bis zu seinem Durchbruch. Die Geschichte eines Jungen aus der westfälischen Provinz, der eigentlich nie eine Chance hatte, und sie doch ergriffen hat, um Deutschlands bekanntester Rockstar zu werden – ein Idol in Ost und West.
Musik-Biographie über das Leben des legendären deutschen Rockmusikers Udo Lindenberg.
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg (Jan Bülow) from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula (Ruby O. Fee), who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan (Max von der Groeben), the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.
Long before his big stage breakthrough in 1973 in Hamburg, and 4.4 million records sold, the rock musician Udo Lindenberg (Jan Bülow) from the Westphalian province, the man with the long hair and the hat, had many adventures. Before it all started, he moved from the remoteness of Gronau to Hamburg, where he met Paula (Ruby O. Fee), who was not his great love, but was quite a hottie. When the team of three was complete with Steffi Stephan (Max von der Groeben), the idea of founding a band developed. But the road to get there was a long one: he drummed as a jazz drummer in bands, had a highly dangerous performance in a US military base in the middle of the Libyan desert and always believed in making it to the very top.