Lizard Woman - Eine neue Dimension des Bösen
Manop UdomdejSchauspieler:
Chatthapong Pantanaunkul, Rungrawee Barijindakul, Kowit Wattanakul, Pete Thongchua, Wantip Pawapootanon, Sarayuth Sritong, Isika Tangsrichanon, Sophita Sribanchean, Kazuki Yono, Saito Kano, Suchada Eam, Jai Pongsak, Satha Sathatip, Jarun Petchjaren, Oliver BeverJapanische und thailändische Geologen untersuchen eine Höhle im Regenwald. Dort finden sie eine alte Holzkiste, die einst für schwarzmagische Zeremonien eingesetzt wurde. Als die Kiste auf dem Rückweg versehentlich aufbricht, entweichen die Geister dämonischer Reptilien. Niemand kann ihnen entkommen, jeder Biss hat tödliche Folgen. Die Opfer verwandeln sich zunächst in Zombies und müssen dann qualvoll sterben.
While studying caves, a group of geologists leaded by Professor Maeda is attacked by gecko fiends that possess their bodies transforming them into zombies. The next morning, the local inspector finds the corpses of the team. Miss Kwan travels to that location to give lectures and is possessed by the evil gecko spirit, but her skeptical boyfriend doctor does not understand what is happening to her and believes she has suffered brain damage.
While studying caves, a group of geologists leaded by Professor Maeda is attacked by gecko fiends that possess their bodies transforming them into zombies. The next morning, the local inspector finds the corpses of the team. Miss Kwan travels to that location to give lectures and is possessed by the evil gecko spirit, but her skeptical boyfriend doctor does not understand what is happening to her and believes she has suffered brain damage.