Lockdown Tower
Guillaume NiclouxSchauspieler:
Angèle Mac, Hatik, Ahmed Abdel Laoui, Jules Houplain, Bruni Makaya, Jules Dhios Francisco, Kylian Larmonie, Laurent Poignot, Ayoub Bara, Igor Kovalsky, Kevin Bago, Lina-Camélia Lumbroso, Merveille Nsombi, Nicolas Pignon, Marie Rémond, Judith WilliquetEines Morgens stellen die Bewohner eines vielgeschossigen Sozialbaus fest, dass das Gebäude von einer undurchdringlichen Finsternis umschlossen ist. Fenster und Türen belagernd, verhindert der blickdichte schwarze Nebel jegliche Fluchtmöglichkeit. Versuche, ihn zu durchqueren, enden tödlich. Um ihr Überleben in dieser ausweglosen Lage zu sichern, organisieren sich die Mieter in Gruppen – doch als die Lebensmittel zur Neige gehen, erliegen sie nach und nach ihren primitivsten Instinkten, bis im gesamten Haus nur noch das erbarmungslose Recht des Stärkeren gilt.
In the heart of a city, the inhabitants of a tower wake up one morning to find that their building is shrouded in an opaque fog, obstructing doors and windows - a strange dark matter that devours anything that tries to pass through it. Trapped, the residents try to organize themselves, but to ensure their survival they gradually succumb to their most primitive instincts, until they sink into horror...
In the heart of a city, the inhabitants of a tower wake up one morning to find that their building is shrouded in an opaque fog, obstructing doors and windows - a strange dark matter that devours anything that tries to pass through it. Trapped, the residents try to organize themselves, but to ensure their survival they gradually succumb to their most primitive instincts, until they sink into horror...