Kiyoshi KurosawaSchauspieler:
Miki Nakatani, Hidetoshi Nishijima, Sawa Suzuki, Haruhiko Katô, Noriko Eguchi, Etsushi Toyokawa, Ren OsugiBestseller Autorin Reiko braucht dringend einen Luftwechsel: Die Enge ihres Tokioter Apartments droht sie zu ersticken, sie raucht zu viel, schreibt zu wenig und halluziniert schwarzen Schleim zu erbrechen. Ihr Verleger vermittelt ihr ein abgelegenes Landhaus, damit sie sich in Ruhe ihrem neuen Roman widmen kann. Doch im angrenzenden Sumpf wird eine 1000-Jahre alte Mumie geborgen. Der Fund lässt ihr und einem im benachbarten Archäologen keine Ruhe. Ist die Mumie tatsächlich die Ursache für die mysteriösen Vorkommnisse, die das ungleiche Paar plagen? Oder fanden noch weitere Frauen ihren grausamen Tod im Sumpf?
Suffering from writer's block and some curious ailments, Reiko (Nakatani Miki) moves to a countryside villa at her editor's (Nishijima Hidetoshi) beckoning to quietly work on her next novel. Her new environment turns out to be anything but peaceful though when she sights her next door neighbor, professor Minoru Yoshioka (Toyokawa Etsushi), surreptitiously moving a thousand-year-old mummified corpse into his university lab for research. Though Reiko and Yoshioka get off to a bumpy start, the two grow closer over time, enough so that Reiko eventually agrees to hide the mummy in her home. But the mummy isn't the only unlikely guest in her walls, as a female ghost also lurks disturbingly in the background. At first seemingly a quick trick of the eye, she grows clearer and more distinct by the day.
Suffering from writer's block and some curious ailments, Reiko (Nakatani Miki) moves to a countryside villa at her editor's (Nishijima Hidetoshi) beckoning to quietly work on her next novel. Her new environment turns out to be anything but peaceful though when she sights her next door neighbor, professor Minoru Yoshioka (Toyokawa Etsushi), surreptitiously moving a thousand-year-old mummified corpse into his university lab for research. Though Reiko and Yoshioka get off to a bumpy start, the two grow closer over time, enough so that Reiko eventually agrees to hide the mummy in her home. But the mummy isn't the only unlikely guest in her walls, as a female ghost also lurks disturbingly in the background. At first seemingly a quick trick of the eye, she grows clearer and more distinct by the day.