Lohn der Giganten
Alain CorneauSchauspieler:
Yves Montand, Carole Laure, Marie Dubois, Jean-François Balmer, Marc Eyraud, Roger Muni, Jacques Rispal, Michel Ruhl, Gabriel Gascon, Martin Trévières, Albert Michel, Pierre Frag, Marie Pillet, Fabienne ArelZusammen mit ihrem Langzeitgeliebten Henri leitet Dominique ein erfolgreiches Logistikunternehmen nahe Bordeaux. Zwar floriert die Firma, doch das Liebesleben steht kurz vor dem Aus – Henri hat hinter Dominiques Rücken heimlich mit der jungen Kanadierin Julie angebändelt und ihr versprochen, sie zu heiraten. Als die depressive Dominique von der Affäre ihres Partners Wind bekommt, beschließt sie, kurzen Prozess zu machen. Unter falschem Vorwand lockt sie die Nebenbuhlerin an einen abgelegenen Ort und verspricht ihr eine unvorstellbar hohe Geldsumme, wenn sie sich nie wieder mit Henri treffe.
Henri Savin has managed a trucking company for his lover, Dominique Montlaur, for many years. Now he is planning to leave her for Julie Manet, the woman he has made pregnant, and Dominique is hysterical. She first threatens suicide, then shows up at a meeting of Savin and Julie. Dominique tries everything she can think of to break Savin and Julie apart, to no avail. Frustrated in her efforts, she jumps off a cliff and dies. Savin insists that he and Julie lie to the police about the encounter, although Dominique's death was a suicide and therefore they had no direct hand in it. Detective Waldeck investigates Dominique's death.
Henri Savin has managed a trucking company for his lover, Dominique Montlaur, for many years. Now he is planning to leave her for Julie Manet, the woman he has made pregnant, and Dominique is hysterical. She first threatens suicide, then shows up at a meeting of Savin and Julie. Dominique tries everything she can think of to break Savin and Julie apart, to no avail. Frustrated in her efforts, she jumps off a cliff and dies. Savin insists that he and Julie lie to the police about the encounter, although Dominique's death was a suicide and therefore they had no direct hand in it. Detective Waldeck investigates Dominique's death.