Loriots große Trickfilmrevue
Vicco von Bülow, Peter GeyerSchauspieler:
Vicco von Bülow, Roswitha Roszak, Wilhelm BendowMit seinen Trickfilmen schaffte Loriot es, ziemlich alltäglich wirkende Szenen mit nur wenigen Worten und Gesten ins Urkomische zu ziehen. Egal, ob es sich um die zwei Herren im Bad, den sprechenden Hund oder ein zu hart gekochtes Frühstücksei handelt. In dieser Trickfilmsammlung werden erstmals alle von Vicco von Bülow erschaffenen Trickfilm-Kurzfilme zu einem Film zusammengefasst.
Loriot, whose real name was Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow, or Vicco von Bülow for short (1923-2011), is considered to have been the greatest and most versatile German comedian of the twentieth century. From 1976 to 1978, Radio Bremen commissioned his six-part television series “Loriot”, in which live action skits alternated with short animated sketches. The series is believed to be the highpoint of Loriot’s television work and was to establish his cult status; it has long been an integral part of German cultural heritage.
Loriot, whose real name was Bernhard-Viktor Christoph-Carl von Bülow, or Vicco von Bülow for short (1923-2011), is considered to have been the greatest and most versatile German comedian of the twentieth century. From 1976 to 1978, Radio Bremen commissioned his six-part television series “Loriot”, in which live action skits alternated with short animated sketches. The series is believed to be the highpoint of Loriot’s television work and was to establish his cult status; it has long been an integral part of German cultural heritage.