Lost at War
David A. PriorSchauspieler:
Jack Vogel, Ted Prior, Billy Hayes, James Hayward Brinkley, Jim Hazelton, Adam Mayfield, Marisa Karl, Danielle Jacobs, Hash Patel, Ben Stargy, David Brian Alley, Derek Quinonez, T.J. Rhymes, Austin Cheatham, Dalton SmithFünf amerikanische Soldaten in irgendeinem Auslandseinsatz rücken aus, durchqueren Gelände und stoßen schließlich auf ein Zeltlager ähnlich dem ihren, bloß verlassen. Vom Feind werden sie nicht beschossen, obgleich sie schemenhafte Gestalten wahrnehmen. Dann setzen Ereignisse ein, die sich niemand erklären kann. Aus dem Nichts erhält man Essen wie von Muttern daheim. Wenn ein Soldat sich Bier wünscht, findet er prompt welches. Schöne Mädchen tauchen auf. Kann das alles ein Traum sein? Eine Falle? Das Leben nach dem Tod?
Dinge passieren, die normalerweise nicht in B-Movies um versprengte Einheiten im Krieg passieren. Und Fragen werden aufgeworfen, die in der Vergangenheit nicht gestellt wurden in den Actionfilmen des verdienten Billigactionspezialisten David A. Prior. Der hatte seine Zeit (die nicht wirklich eine große war) in den frühen 90ern und galt denen, die um ihn wussten, schon als verschollen, bevor er nach zehn Jahren Pause mit diesem originellen Werk wieder auftauchte. "Twilight Zone" trifft "Platoon" für eine Handvoll Cents, Genrefans dürfen einen Blick riskieren.
This is a Twilight Zone type story that involves five soldiers out on a mission. And they soon find themselves stuck in a foxhole in an apparently deserted camp. Then strange things begin to happen. For one they are surrounded by strange creatures shrouded in black who do not fire on them or attempt to hurt them in any way but still they stay out there watching, almost as if waiting for something. And this, along with other things that happen, cause these men to question weather they are alive or dead. And that is where their struggle begins. Frequent flashbacks to each of the five soldiers lives show the people in their lives that at one point interacted with another soldier of the squad. Exploring the age old question of fate and if it is something that is written in stone or is it something we as people can affect. One by one, four of these five men give in to fate as it were and walk off into the woods never to be seen again, but Captain Jason Briggs will not give up for any ...
This is a Twilight Zone type story that involves five soldiers out on a mission. And they soon find themselves stuck in a foxhole in an apparently deserted camp. Then strange things begin to happen. For one they are surrounded by strange creatures shrouded in black who do not fire on them or attempt to hurt them in any way but still they stay out there watching, almost as if waiting for something. And this, along with other things that happen, cause these men to question weather they are alive or dead. And that is where their struggle begins. Frequent flashbacks to each of the five soldiers lives show the people in their lives that at one point interacted with another soldier of the squad. Exploring the age old question of fate and if it is something that is written in stone or is it something we as people can affect. One by one, four of these five men give in to fate as it were and walk off into the woods never to be seen again, but Captain Jason Briggs will not give up for any ...