Lost Souls - Verlorene Seelen
Janusz KamińskiSchauspieler:
Winona Ryder, Ben Chaplin, Sarah Wynter, Philip Baker Hall, John Hurt, Elias Koteas, Brian Reddy, John Diehl, Bob Clendenin, Michael Mantell, Brad Greenquist, Lo Ming, Anna Gunn, W. Earl Brown, James Lancaster, Anne BetancourtMaya Larkin gehört zu einer kleinen Gruppe von katholischen Gläubigen, die unter Leitung zweier Geistlicher Exorzismen vornimmt. In der schriftlichen Hinterlassenschaft eines offenbar besessenen Serienmörders findet sie Hinweise auf die bevorstehende Ankunft eines Antimessias, darunter sogar den Namen des dafür vorgesehenen Wirtsmenschen: Peter Kelson, bekennender Agnostiker und Autor diverser Sachbücher, ist der Auserwählte. Für Maya, die Kelson ebenso gerne retten würde wie den Rest der Menschheit, beginnt ein dramatischer Wettlauf gegen Zeit und Vorsehung.
Okkultschocker im Stil von "Der Exorzist", in dem ein Ungläubiger Zielscheibe einer weitreichenden satanischen Verschwörung wird.
A small group of Catholics led by an ailing priest believe that Satan intends to become man, just as God did in the person of Jesus. The writings of a possessed mental patient lead them to Peter Kelson, a writer who studies serial killers. They think it's his body Satan will occupy. The youngest in the group, a teacher named Maya Larkin, goes to Peter to investigate further and to convince him to believe in the possibility of Evil incarnate. Other signs come to him as he and Maya them take a journey full of strange occurrences, self-discovery, and an ultimate showdown
A small group of Catholics led by an ailing priest believe that Satan intends to become man, just as God did in the person of Jesus. The writings of a possessed mental patient lead them to Peter Kelson, a writer who studies serial killers. They think it's his body Satan will occupy. The youngest in the group, a teacher named Maya Larkin, goes to Peter to investigate further and to convince him to believe in the possibility of Evil incarnate. Other signs come to him as he and Maya them take a journey full of strange occurrences, self-discovery, and an ultimate showdown