Love Hotel
Philip Cox, Hikaru TodaTäglich besuchen 2,5 Millionen Menschen eines der 37.000 Love-Hotels in Japan. Die Love-Hotels sind keine Bordelle, sondern die einzigen Orte, wo Paare, Geliebte und selbst Einsame aus der strukturierten Gesellschaft ausbrechen können. Hier lebt die japanische Gesellschaft ihre Liebe, Wünsche, Fantasien und Geheimnisse diskret und anonym aus.
Der Dokumentarfilm gewährt einen bislang nie dagewesenen Zugang hinter die Kulissen dieser Branche mit ihren grellen, kitschigen Fassaden und verspielt eingerichteten Zimmern.
Pensioners, lawyers, married couples and teenagers are all customers at the Angel Love Hotel in Osaka Japan. With unprecedented access into one of the most private and anonymous spaces in Japanese society, this film follows the love hotel's struggling manager and staff as the try to keep their hotel running, as well as revealing the intimate and private lives of the customers who visit.
Pensioners, lawyers, married couples and teenagers are all customers at the Angel Love Hotel in Osaka Japan. With unprecedented access into one of the most private and anonymous spaces in Japanese society, this film follows the love hotel's struggling manager and staff as the try to keep their hotel running, as well as revealing the intimate and private lives of the customers who visit.