Luanas Schwur
Bujar AlimaniSchauspieler:
Rina Krasniqi, Shkurte Sylejmani, Mimoza Azemi, Nik Xhelilaj, Kasem Hoxha, Astrit Kabashi, Gresa Pallaska, Alban Ukaj, Jonida VokshiSeit Ende der 1950er Jahre kennen sich Luana (Rina Krasniqi) und Agim bereits. Sie wuchsen gemeinsam in Albanien auf und sind ein Herz und eine Seele. Irgendwann kommt es, wie es kommen musste und Luana verliebt sich in ihren Freund aus Kinderzeiten. Ihr Vater will das so nicht hinnehmen, schließlich ist sie schon lange Flamur (Nik Xhelilaj) versprochen. Als es zu einem handfesten Streit kommt, bringt dieser Luanas Vater um – und stellt dann auch noch ihre Jungfräulichkeit infrage. Dass sie eine Frau ist, ist für Luana zeit ihres Lebens mehr Fluch als Segen gewesen, weswegen sie auf einen alten Brauch zurückgreift: Fortan, schwört sie, will sie als Mann leben und ihren Vater rächen.
Albanisches Drama über eine junge Frau, die für ihre Selbstbestimmung kämpft.
Albania, 1958. Luana, the daughter of a well respected man in the village, makes friends with Agim, who moved here after his family were banned from the city by the communists. Years later, their childhood friendship turns into teenage love, but without prospects. Luana’s father promised her in marriage to someone else when she was a child. When her father finds out about Luana and Agim’s love, he is furious and immediately arranges for his daughter to be married to the man he chose for her. Luana faces a dilemma: to flee with her lover to Germany, risking being caught by the communists and probably killed, or stay loyal to her family. A poignant love story set in dark times shaped by pressure from old traditions. A deeply human tale about freedom, which is the greatest good even if the price is loneliness.
Albania, 1958. Luana, the daughter of a well respected man in the village, makes friends with Agim, who moved here after his family were banned from the city by the communists. Years later, their childhood friendship turns into teenage love, but without prospects. Luana’s father promised her in marriage to someone else when she was a child. When her father finds out about Luana and Agim’s love, he is furious and immediately arranges for his daughter to be married to the man he chose for her. Luana faces a dilemma: to flee with her lover to Germany, risking being caught by the communists and probably killed, or stay loyal to her family. A poignant love story set in dark times shaped by pressure from old traditions. A deeply human tale about freedom, which is the greatest good even if the price is loneliness.