Lucas, der Ameisenschreck
John A. DavisSchauspieler:
Bruce Campbell, Paul Giamatti, Meryl Streep, Julia Roberts, Nicolas Cage, Lily Tomlin, Ricardo Montalban, Jake T. Austin, Larry Miller, Regina King, Cheri Oteri, Allison Mack, Zach Tyler, Creagen Dow, Myles JeffreyNach einer der üblichen Abreibungen von Schulhofrowdy Steve reagiert sich der zehnjährige Lucas mal wieder am Ameisenhaufen auf der Wiese hinter dem Haus ab. Doch diesmal hat er die Rechnung ohne den Ameisenzauberer Zoc gemacht - der schrumpft ihn nämlich kurzerhand auf Insektenformat. Solchermaßen gedemütigt muss Lucas Frondienst im Ameisenhaufen leisten, bis angesichts eines heran nahenden professionellen Insektenbekämpfers sein Know-how als Mensch gefragt ist.
Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark lautet die Message in dieser Animationskomödie in der Tradition von "Antz" und "Das große Krabbeln". John A. Davis ("Jimmy Neutron") inszenierte.
This is the story of a ten-year-old boy named Lucas Nickle, who has just moved to a new neighborhood, has no friends, and is the target for the local bully and his gang. His parents are leaving for a honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, so they are too busy to attend to his problems. His sister is distracted by her cellular phone, and the grandmother is obsessed with UFOs and aliens. Lucas is constantly being beat up by the obese yet intimidating neighborhood bully. Because he cannot fight back, he takes out his anger on an anthill in his front yard; He kicks it, stomps it, squirts it with his water gun, and floods it with a hose. This terrifies the ants, who call Lucas the Destroyer. One wizard ant, known as Zoc being a hopeful and adventurous type, is trying to solve this dilemma. He tries to devise a magic potion that he believes will solve all their problems. As the plan to shrink Lucas down to their size with a magic potion and forcing him to live like an ant within the colony--an ...
This is the story of a ten-year-old boy named Lucas Nickle, who has just moved to a new neighborhood, has no friends, and is the target for the local bully and his gang. His parents are leaving for a honeymoon in Puerto Vallarta, so they are too busy to attend to his problems. His sister is distracted by her cellular phone, and the grandmother is obsessed with UFOs and aliens. Lucas is constantly being beat up by the obese yet intimidating neighborhood bully. Because he cannot fight back, he takes out his anger on an anthill in his front yard; He kicks it, stomps it, squirts it with his water gun, and floods it with a hose. This terrifies the ants, who call Lucas the Destroyer. One wizard ant, known as Zoc being a hopeful and adventurous type, is trying to solve this dilemma. He tries to devise a magic potion that he believes will solve all their problems. As the plan to shrink Lucas down to their size with a magic potion and forcing him to live like an ant within the colony--an ...