Lucia - Engel des Todes
Paula van der OestSchauspieler:
Marwan Kenzari, Barry Atsma, Amanda Ooms, Fedja van HuêtLucia de Berk (Ariane Schluter) ist Krankenschwester. Während ihres Dienstes verstirbt ein Baby im Juliana Kinderkrankenhaus in Den Haag. Als sich die Fälle häufen, werden die Behörden auf sie aufmerksam. Lucia, die behauptet, dass alles ein Zufall sei, wird wegen sieben Morden angeklagt. Ein spektakuläres Gerichtsverfahren beginnt, nach dem Lucia zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilt wird. Die eifrige Staatsanwältin Judith (Sallie Harmsen), die von der Schuld des "Todesengels" überzeugt war, entdeckt nach und nach neue Indizien, die sie zweifeln lassen. Judith versucht, den Fall neu aufzurollen, doch es scheint, als könne sie nichts mehr für Lucia tun.
Lucia (40) is a wilful nurse, risen up from a simple environment, who raises suspicion with her colleagues and superiors when she’s once again present at an inexplicable death. The more the ambitious Assistant District Attorney Judith (32) learns about this, as it turns out, ex-prostitute, the more she’s disgusted by this woman who murders mortally ill seniors and babies. The newspapers are full of it. The District Attorney gives Judith the freedom to lead the investigation into this ‘Angel of Death’. She is finally assigned the case that could get her promoted: the case of Lucia de B. As assistant to the District Attorney Judith puts her all into an exhausting investigation. The verdict is gripping. Lucia is sentenced to life for four murders and three attempted murders. Judith enjoys the victory, because this will surely lead to her promotion to District Attorney. But then doubt hits her.
Lucia (40) is a wilful nurse, risen up from a simple environment, who raises suspicion with her colleagues and superiors when she’s once again present at an inexplicable death. The more the ambitious Assistant District Attorney Judith (32) learns about this, as it turns out, ex-prostitute, the more she’s disgusted by this woman who murders mortally ill seniors and babies. The newspapers are full of it. The District Attorney gives Judith the freedom to lead the investigation into this ‘Angel of Death’. She is finally assigned the case that could get her promoted: the case of Lucia de B. As assistant to the District Attorney Judith puts her all into an exhausting investigation. The verdict is gripping. Lucia is sentenced to life for four murders and three attempted murders. Judith enjoys the victory, because this will surely lead to her promotion to District Attorney. But then doubt hits her.