Lucy ist jetzt Gangster
Till EndemannSchauspieler:
Violetta Arnemann, Franziska Wulf, Kostja Ullmann, Kailas Mahadevan, Lisa Marie Trense, Stephan Bieker, Therese Dürrenberger, Axel Häfner, Sina Bianca Hentschel, Volker Heymann, Deryl Ken, Tom Keune, Bettina Lamprecht, Florian Mania, Sybille J. Schedwill, Daniel WiemerLucy ist zehn Jahre alt und ein vorbildliches Kind. Sie ist brav, stets höflich und immer ehrlich. Und im Herzen eine echte Weltverbesserin. Das Hilfsmittel ihrer Wahl: Eis nach altem Rezept der Familie. Für jedes Problem gibt es die richtige Sorte, glaubt Lucy. Doch dann geht die Eismaschine kaputt und ihr Plan droht zu scheitern. Also müssen andere Seiten aufgezogen werden: Lucy Lucyfer muss nun eine Bank ausrauben, um an Geld für die Reparatur zu kommen. Da das mit ihrer lieben und netten Art allerdings schwierig ist, hat sich Lucy mit ihrem Mitschüler Tristan (Brooklyn Liebig), der zu den Besten im Klauen, Lügen und Bestechen gehört, den perfekten Partner ausgesucht.
10-year-old Lucy is basically too good for this world. She is well-behaved, kind and perfect in every situation. Her best friend Rima and she herself want to make the world a little better with every little action. But then disaster threatens: Lucy’s parents run an ice cream parlor, and when the expensive ice cream machine breaks down, the parlor is threatened with closure. Lucy wants to prevent this at all costs. However, after much deliberation, she sees only one way to get money quickly: a bank robbery. To prepare for her big coup, she makes a deal with the class gangster Tristan. Under the code name “Operation Lucyfer”, he is supposed to teach her how to be mean and ruthless. So Lucy gets tutored in stealing, lying, cheating and blackmailing – and proves to be an amazingly docile student. Lucy barely recognizes herself. Her transformation from nerd to crook, however, causes many problems.
10-year-old Lucy is basically too good for this world. She is well-behaved, kind and perfect in every situation. Her best friend Rima and she herself want to make the world a little better with every little action. But then disaster threatens: Lucy’s parents run an ice cream parlor, and when the expensive ice cream machine breaks down, the parlor is threatened with closure. Lucy wants to prevent this at all costs. However, after much deliberation, she sees only one way to get money quickly: a bank robbery. To prepare for her big coup, she makes a deal with the class gangster Tristan. Under the code name “Operation Lucyfer”, he is supposed to teach her how to be mean and ruthless. So Lucy gets tutored in stealing, lying, cheating and blackmailing – and proves to be an amazingly docile student. Lucy barely recognizes herself. Her transformation from nerd to crook, however, causes many problems.