Macabra - Die Hand des Teufels
Alfredo ZacaríasSchauspieler:
Samantha Eggar, Stuart Whitman, Roy Jenson, Narciso Busquets, Erika Carlsson, Lew Saunders, José Chávez, Ted White, Haji, George Soviak, Whitey Hughes, Al JonesDie Reliquie eines viele Jahrhunderte alten Satankults erwacht zu neuem Leben und verbreitet Angst und Schrecken unter den Lebenden. In Mexiko erwarb der Mexikaner Mark Baines eine alte
Silbermine, in der, wie seine Arbeiter behaupten, die Hand des Satans verborgen sei. Dem Aberglauben zum Trotz wagt sich Baines in die Mine und befreit dabei das Teufels-Relikt aus seinem dunklen
Gemach, was zur Folge hat, dass das Unternehmen sowie ihre Familie dem Untergang geweiht sind.
A British woman visits her husband at the Mexican mine he is attempting to reopen and discovers that the workers refuse to enter the mine fearing an ancient curse. The couple enter the mine to prove there is no danger and inadvertently release a demon which possess people's left hands and forces them to behave in a suitably diabolical manner. The only way for a possessed person to free themselves from this torment is to cut off their left hand after which it scurries away in search of its next victim.
A British woman visits her husband at the Mexican mine he is attempting to reopen and discovers that the workers refuse to enter the mine fearing an ancient curse. The couple enter the mine to prove there is no danger and inadvertently release a demon which possess people's left hands and forces them to behave in a suitably diabolical manner. The only way for a possessed person to free themselves from this torment is to cut off their left hand after which it scurries away in search of its next victim.