William CastleSchauspieler:
William Prince, Jim Backus, Christine White, Jacqueline Scott, Susan Morrow, Philip Tonge, Jonathan Kidd, Dorothy Morris, Howard Hoffman, Ellen Corby, Linda Guderman, Voltaire PerkinsNach dem Tod seiner Frau und seiner blinden Schwägerin ist der Ruf des Kleinstadtarztes Dr. Rodney Barrett ruiniert. Als er abends nach Hause kommt, ist seine kleine Tochter spurlos verschwunden. Ein anonymer Anrufer behauptet, dass sie lebendig begraben wurde und ihr nur noch für wenige Stunden Luft bleibt. Da er im Ort keinem mehr trauen kann, sucht er seine Tochter nur zusammen mit seiner Sprechstundenhilfe. Sämtliche Bemühungen bleiben vergebens, bis es auf der nächtlichen Beerdigung seiner Schwägerin zum Eklat kommt und ...
A small-town doctor (William Prince) gets caught up in a revenge plot when his small daughter is kidnapped and buried alive as he is given a few short hours to find her before she suffocates. To cover the risk of a heart attack while viewing the film, Producer-Director William Castle provided each member of the audience with an official certificate issued by Lloyds of London to insure them for $1,000 against death by fright. The gimmick worked and Castle was on his way to movie exploitation stardom!
A small-town doctor (William Prince) gets caught up in a revenge plot when his small daughter is kidnapped and buried alive as he is given a few short hours to find her before she suffocates. To cover the risk of a heart attack while viewing the film, Producer-Director William Castle provided each member of the audience with an official certificate issued by Lloyds of London to insure them for $1,000 against death by fright. The gimmick worked and Castle was on his way to movie exploitation stardom!