Macho Callahan
Bernard L. KowalskiSchauspieler:
David Janssen, Jean Seberg, Lee J. Cobb, James Booth, Pedro Armendáriz Jr., David Carradine, Bo Hopkins, Anne RevereDie junge Offizierswitwe Alexandra (Jean Seberg) setzt Kopfgeldjäger auf Macho Callahan (David Janssen), den Mörder ihres Mannes, an. Da das zunächst nichts nutzt, jagt sie Callahan selbst hinterher. Als sie ihn schließlich kennen lernt, wandelt sich der Hass der jungen Frau in Liebe. Da tauchen die Kopfgeldjäger auf, um sich ihre Prämie zu verdienen. - Ungewöhnlicher, pessimistischer Spätwestern mit Außer Atem-Star Jean Seberg.
A man tricked into enlisting in the Confederate army is later thrown into a hellish stockade on desertion charges. He eventually breaks out of the prison camp, reunites with his old partner and sets out to kill the man who was responsible for his being in the camp in the first place. However, after accidentally killing a Confederate officer, he finds himself pursued by a gang of vicious bounty hunters intent on collecting the reward put up by the dead officer's widow.
A man tricked into enlisting in the Confederate army is later thrown into a hellish stockade on desertion charges. He eventually breaks out of the prison camp, reunites with his old partner and sets out to kill the man who was responsible for his being in the camp in the first place. However, after accidentally killing a Confederate officer, he finds himself pursued by a gang of vicious bounty hunters intent on collecting the reward put up by the dead officer's widow.