Mademoiselle Hanna und die Kunst nein zu sagen
Baya KasmiSchauspieler:
Vimala Pons, Mehdi Djaadi, Agnès Jaoui, Ramzy BediaHanna, 30, attraktiv und äußerst charmant, lebt das schillernde Pariser Großstadtleben einer freiheitsliebenden jungen Frau, unbeeindruckt von der Kultur und Religion ihrer halb-algerischen Herkunft. Ganz anders ihr Bruder Hakim, der das traditionelle Leben eines gläubigen Muslims führt und mit Frau und Kindern noch immer bei seinen Eltern lebt. Was aber alle Familienmitglieder verbindet, ist eine seltsame Macke: sie sind einfach zu nett, jederzeit und zu jedermann, das Wort „Nein" scheint ihnen ein Fremdwort zu sein. Diese Eigenschaft stürzt Hanna regelmäßig in die größten inneren Konflikte, wenn sie in ihrem Job in der Personalabteilung wieder einmal einen Mitarbeiter entlassen muss. Als der charmante Arzt Paul in ihr Leben tritt, lernt Hanna, dass wahre Liebe keine Gegenleistung erwartet. Und auch zu ihrem Bruder Hakim tut sich unverhofft ein Weg auf, der die beiden wieder zueinander führen soll.
Charming thirty-year-old Hanna Belkacem has inherited the gene from her parents: she is unable to say no. And as she is the Director of Human resources of a big firm such infirmity is not without its problems, particularly when she has to fire someone. The only solution she has found to be forgiven is to... get laid with the men she lays off! One day, not wanting to upset someone as she is wont to, she finds herself in a very embarrassing situation: she is mistaken for a former school-friend of a hospital doctor mourning his mother. She of course goes to bed with him. As a result, Dr. Paul Martin falls in love with her while mistaking her once again... for a prostitute this time!
Charming thirty-year-old Hanna Belkacem has inherited the gene from her parents: she is unable to say no. And as she is the Director of Human resources of a big firm such infirmity is not without its problems, particularly when she has to fire someone. The only solution she has found to be forgiven is to... get laid with the men she lays off! One day, not wanting to upset someone as she is wont to, she finds herself in a very embarrassing situation: she is mistaken for a former school-friend of a hospital doctor mourning his mother. She of course goes to bed with him. As a result, Dr. Paul Martin falls in love with her while mistaking her once again... for a prostitute this time!