Doris DörrieSchauspieler:
Heiner Lauterbach, Uwe Ochsenknecht, Ulrike Kriener, Dietmar Bär, Edith Volkmann, Janna Marangosoff, Marie-Charlott Schüler, Monika Schwarz, Lois Kelz, Cornelia Schneider, Gabriel Pakleppa, Roland Schreiber, Jörg Neumann, Gerd Huber, Werner-Albert Püthe, Nasrin KhochsimaWerbemanager Julius muß feststellen, daß seine Frau Paula einen Geliebten hat. Obwohl er selbst kein Kind von Traurigkeit ist, kann er sich damit überhaupt nicht abfinden und sinnt auf Rache. Er zieht unter falschem Namen in die Wohngemeinschaft seines Rivalen Stefan ein und beginnt, dessen Beziehung zu seiner Frau zu untergraben, indem er den “Aussteiger” Stefan systematisch in einen Erfolgsmenschen verwandelt. Sein Plan scheint aufzugehen: Paula verliert das Interesse an einer Kopie ihres Ehemanns.
Ein gehörnter Yuppie zieht in die WG des Geliebten seiner Frau ein, um festzustellen, was diesen so anziehend macht. Leichtfüßige deutsche Erfolgskomödie.
A successful, womanizing middle-aged man decides to move out of the house he shares with his wife after she confesses to having an affair. He looks for a new place to live and ends up moving into his wife's lover's apartment as a roommate. The husband begins to take an interest in the artistic work of the lover and coaches him for a big job interview. Little does he know that the job he's helping the lover to get is within his own company... A story about strange circumstances and the limits of friendship.
A successful, womanizing middle-aged man decides to move out of the house he shares with his wife after she confesses to having an affair. He looks for a new place to live and ends up moving into his wife's lover's apartment as a roommate. The husband begins to take an interest in the artistic work of the lover and coaches him for a big job interview. Little does he know that the job he's helping the lover to get is within his own company... A story about strange circumstances and the limits of friendship.