Männer zeigen Filme & Frauen ihre Brüste
Isabell SubaSchauspieler:
Anne Haug, Matthias Weidenhöfer, Eva Bay, Elmira RafizadehIsabell Šuba, ambitionierte Nachwuchsregisseurin, hat es geschafft – einer ihrer Kurzfilme läuft auf dem wichtigsten Filmfest der Welt! Als sie auf den 65. Filmfestspielen in Cannes ankommt, wird sie vor vollendete Tatsachen gestellt: David, ihr unfähiger Produzent, hat gegen Bezahlung weitere Festivalgäste in ihr gemeinsames Apartment eingemietet. Die zweite Hiobsbotschaft: im offiziellen Wettbewerb läuft kein einziger Film von einer Frau! Isabell sieht ihre Bedenken bestätigt: Im Filmbusiness sollte sich Frau besser warm statt tief ausgeschnitten anziehen!
Isabell Suba, ambitious up-and-coming director, has made it – one of her short films is in the line-up of the most important film festival of the world! When she arrives at the 65. Cannes film festival, she has face the accomplished facts: David, her incompetent producer, has kindly sublet their cosy joint apartment to other festival guests. The other bad news: There is not a single movie in the competition directed by a woman! This affirms Isabell’s qualms: The film business demands women to gear up instead of dressing up low cut! Moreover, the chauvinistic remarks of her comrade-in-arms David who feels comfortable around the clichéd gender stereotypes from the Stone Age seemingly prevalent in Cannes infuriate Isabell. As if this wasn’t enough already, a shattering feedback on her new film project by a potential investor finally causes her to doubt herself. Before she can live her dream up at the Olympus of film business, she must first find out who really believes in her.
Isabell Suba, ambitious up-and-coming director, has made it – one of her short films is in the line-up of the most important film festival of the world! When she arrives at the 65. Cannes film festival, she has face the accomplished facts: David, her incompetent producer, has kindly sublet their cosy joint apartment to other festival guests. The other bad news: There is not a single movie in the competition directed by a woman! This affirms Isabell’s qualms: The film business demands women to gear up instead of dressing up low cut! Moreover, the chauvinistic remarks of her comrade-in-arms David who feels comfortable around the clichéd gender stereotypes from the Stone Age seemingly prevalent in Cannes infuriate Isabell. As if this wasn’t enough already, a shattering feedback on her new film project by a potential investor finally causes her to doubt herself. Before she can live her dream up at the Olympus of film business, she must first find out who really believes in her.