Mako, die Bestie
William GrefeSchauspieler:
Richard Jaeckel, Jennifer Bishop, Buffy Dee, Harold Sakata, John Davis Chandler, Richard O'Barry, Luke Halpin, Dan Fitzgerald, Jerry Albert, Marcia Knight, Herb GoldsteinAls Sonny Stein nur die Wahl bleibt, von den Kugeln seiner Feinde durchsiebt, oder von den Haien zerfetzt zu werden, entscheidet er sich für die Haie, die ihn aber verschonen und nur seine Verfolger töten. Der Hüter des Hai-Amuletts, das seinen Träger zum Gott über die Bestie macht, wird Zeuge dieses unglaublichen Geschehens. Von nun an trägt Sonny das Amulett und tritt mit den Haien einen Rachefeldzug gegen die wahre Bestie an: den Menschen!
A man accidentally learns that he has a mystical connection with sharks, and is given a strange medallion by a shaman. Becoming more and more alienated from normal society, he develops an ability to communicate with sharks telepathically, setting out to destroy anybody who harms sharks. People enter into his strange world to exploit his weird passion, and he uses the animals to gain revenge on anybody who double crosses him.
A man accidentally learns that he has a mystical connection with sharks, and is given a strange medallion by a shaman. Becoming more and more alienated from normal society, he develops an ability to communicate with sharks telepathically, setting out to destroy anybody who harms sharks. People enter into his strange world to exploit his weird passion, and he uses the animals to gain revenge on anybody who double crosses him.