Malcolm X
Spike LeeSchauspieler:
Denzel Washington, Kate Vernon, Angela Bassett, Spike Lee, Delroy Lindo, Larry McCoy, Theresa Randle, Albert Hall, Ernest Thomas, James McDaniel, Al Freeman Jr., Jean-Claude La Marre, Lonette McKee, Tommy Hollis, O.L. DukeIn den 40er Jahren macht sich der Farbige Malcolm Little als Kleingauner einen Namen im Milieu. Während eines Gefängnisaufenthalts wird er zum Islam bekehrt. Nach seiner Entlassung arbeitet er sich schnell zum radikalen Sprecher der Nation of Islam hoch. Der Führer Elijah Mohammed sieht seine Macht schwinden, es kommt zum Bruch. Auf eigene Faust wird Malcolm X zum unerbittlichsten Vertreter der US-Schwarzenbewegung. Nach einer Reise nach Afrika wird Malcolm X von Mitgliedern der Nation of Islam erschossen.
Leidenschaftliche, politische Filmbiographie des militanten Schwarzenführers Malcolm X.
Biograpical epic of Malcolm X, the legendary African American leader. Born Malcolm Little, his father (a Garveyite Baptist minister) was killed by the Ku Klux Klan. Malcolm became a gangster, and while in jail discovered the Nation of Islam writings of Elijah Muhammad. He preaches the teachings when let out of jail, but later on goes on a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca, there he converts to the original Islamic religion and becomes a Sunni Muslim and changes his name to El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz. He is assassinated on February 21, 1965 and dies a Muslim martyr.
Biograpical epic of Malcolm X, the legendary African American leader. Born Malcolm Little, his father (a Garveyite Baptist minister) was killed by the Ku Klux Klan. Malcolm became a gangster, and while in jail discovered the Nation of Islam writings of Elijah Muhammad. He preaches the teachings when let out of jail, but later on goes on a pilgrimage to the city of Mecca, there he converts to the original Islamic religion and becomes a Sunni Muslim and changes his name to El-Hajj Malik Al-Shabazz. He is assassinated on February 21, 1965 and dies a Muslim martyr.