Malnazidos - Im Tal der Toten
Alberto de Toro, Javier Ruiz CalderaSchauspieler:
Aura Garrido, Miki Esparbé, Luis Callejo, Álvaro Cervantes, Jesús Carroza, María Botto, Sergio Torrico, Francisco Reyes, Frank Feys, Asia Ortega, Ken Appledorn, Manel Llunell, Manuel Morón, Dafnis Balduz, Pol Corominas, Julius CotterWährend des Spanischen Bürgerkrieges werden geschworene Erbfeinde plötzlich zu Verbündeten, da sie sich gemeinsam gegen fleischfressende Zombies der Nazis wehren müssen.
They're soldiers on different sides of the war. But when the dead come back to life, the only side they want to be on is the one that survives.
They're soldiers on different sides of the war. But when the dead come back to life, the only side they want to be on is the one that survives.