Mandrin, der tolle Musketier
Jean-Paul Le ChanoisSchauspieler:
Georges Rivière, Silvia Monfort, Jeanne Valérie, Georges Wilson, Maurice Baquet, Jess Hahn, Armand Mestral, Albert Rémy, André Versini, Gil Baladou, Feliks Chmurkowski, Leon Niemczyk, Dany Robin, Tadeusz Bartosik, Krzysztof Litwin, Władysław Pawłowicz1750, zur Regierungszeit von Ludwig XV.: Das Volk leidet unter den hohen Steuern und der Herrscher ist immer weniger beliebt. Der Böttcher Louis Mandrin begehrt auf und will die Unterdrückung der Armen nicht weiter tolerieren. Als Rächer muss er fliehen und betätigt sich in den Savoyer Bergen als Schmuggler für die Ärmsten der Armen.
It was the reign of Louis XV and, in 1750, France was at war all the time, and the people, suffocated by taxes, liked their beloved Louis less and less. When the governor of Dauphiné arrived in Saint-Étienne-de-Saint-Geoirs, he had to deal with opponents of the regime who had gathered around cooper Louis Mandrin. Mandrin becomes the vigilante who respects his king, but does not tolerate the oppression of the poor through taxation.
It was the reign of Louis XV and, in 1750, France was at war all the time, and the people, suffocated by taxes, liked their beloved Louis less and less. When the governor of Dauphiné arrived in Saint-Étienne-de-Saint-Geoirs, he had to deal with opponents of the regime who had gathered around cooper Louis Mandrin. Mandrin becomes the vigilante who respects his king, but does not tolerate the oppression of the poor through taxation.