Mann im Spagat - Pace Cowboy, Pace
Timo JacobsSchauspieler:
Timo Jacobs, Clemens Schick, Natalia Belitski, Meret Becker, Werner Daehn, David Bredin, Dorothea Hagena, Rolf Zacher, David Scheller, Claude-Oliver Rudolph, Olli Schulz, Volker Michalowski, Mona Mur, Anna Ortmann, Ketel Weber, Hanni BergeschCowboy ist auf einer Mission: In Berlin-Kreuzberg versucht er eifrig, den Weltatem zu reinigen. Doch als gegenüber seiner Agentur ein Autokurier um den umtriebigen Tschick McQueen und seine Partnerin Angel aufmacht, muss Cowboy etwas gegen die Schmutzfinke unternehmen. Deshalb plant er, einen Fahrradkurierdienst zu eröffnen und möchte gleich zu Beginn eine Rallye veranstalten. Aber Cowboys unternehmerische Ambitionen haben noch einen weiteren Grund: Seine alte Mutter soll nicht in einem billigen Altenheim enden, sondern luxuriös gepflegt werden - und das kostet natürlich eine ganze Stange Geld! Ein Problem nach dem anderen für Cowboy und zu allem Überfluss hetzen ihm seine Konkurrenten auch noch den Teufel vom Hermannplatz auf den Hals.
Berlinfilm von Regisseur, Schauspieler und BMX-Profi Timo Jacobs - vollgepackt mit Gastauftritten von Stars wie Clemens Schick, Olli Schulz und Meret Becker.
Cowboy has a vision. He wants to save the planet with his movement of Free Swingers. That's why he applies for a grant at The Central Agency, who then sends a representative named Fey of Sweden to approve Cowboy's proposal. She demands results and he decides to stage a charity bicycle rally featuring a roster of two-wheeled Berlin misfits. Meanwhile Cowboy's neighbor kills his mother's budgie and sets the Devil of Hermannplatz on him to sabotage his plans. Pretty bad timing considering that he also has to rescue his stubborn mother from a shady retirement home. Torn between Cowboy's budding crush on Fey of Sweden, his hot neighbor Angel and his innate drive towards chaos, the rally soon turns into a race against time. Soon his mother will be taken away from him and the rally racers are doing anything other than what they should: cycling.
Cowboy has a vision. He wants to save the planet with his movement of Free Swingers. That's why he applies for a grant at The Central Agency, who then sends a representative named Fey of Sweden to approve Cowboy's proposal. She demands results and he decides to stage a charity bicycle rally featuring a roster of two-wheeled Berlin misfits. Meanwhile Cowboy's neighbor kills his mother's budgie and sets the Devil of Hermannplatz on him to sabotage his plans. Pretty bad timing considering that he also has to rescue his stubborn mother from a shady retirement home. Torn between Cowboy's budding crush on Fey of Sweden, his hot neighbor Angel and his innate drive towards chaos, the rally soon turns into a race against time. Soon his mother will be taken away from him and the rally racers are doing anything other than what they should: cycling.