Mary Bryant - Flucht aus der Hölle
David Field, Sam Neill, Jack Davenport, Alex O'Loughlin, Romola Garai, Tony Martin, Stephen Curry, Garry McDonald, Dan Spielman, Abe Forsythe, Linal Haft, Brittany Carney, Montana Carney, Jada Lang, Jasmin Lang, Tasha LangIhr Kampfgeist und unbändiger Freiheitsdrang machen die junge Mary Bryant stark. Wegen eines kleinen Diebstahls wird sie 1786 zur Deporation nach Australien verurteilt.
Sie erträgt Haft und Vergewaltigung in England, die sechsmonatige Überfahrt und Geburt ihrer Tochter auf einem Gefangenenschiff und den brutalen Überlebenskampf in Botany Bay. Nie hört sie auf, von ihrer Freiheit zu träumen. Mit ihrem Mann und den beiden kleinen Kindern wagt sie schließlich die Flucht...
Will Bryant and Mary are among the petty common criminals who are condemned by British justice to deportation to the new Botany Bay penal colony in Australia. The long sailing voyage is eventful, with them falling in love but her also seducing the noble, naive lieutenant Ralph Clarke. In the colony, life is terribly harsh. Ultimately, the pair and some other convicts organize a successful escape by boat. Barely alive, they reach Dutch Timor, and hope to be in the clear.
Will Bryant and Mary are among the petty common criminals who are condemned by British justice to deportation to the new Botany Bay penal colony in Australia. The long sailing voyage is eventful, with them falling in love but her also seducing the noble, naive lieutenant Ralph Clarke. In the colony, life is terribly harsh. Ultimately, the pair and some other convicts organize a successful escape by boat. Barely alive, they reach Dutch Timor, and hope to be in the clear.