Master Cheng in Pohjanjoki
Mika KaurismäkiSchauspieler:
Pak Hon Chu, Anna-Maija Tuokko, Lucas Hsuan, Kari Väänänen, Vesa-Matti LoiriEin chinesischer Koch reist nach dem Tod seiner Frau mit seinem Sohn in die finnische Provinz, um einen alten Freund zu suchen. Dort begeistert er die Einheimischen mit seinen kulinarischen Kreationen.
Feelgood-Movie über einen chinesischen Koch, der in der finnischen Provinz ein neues Zuhause und die Liebe findet.
Cheng, 45, a restaurant owner from China, has travelled with his young son halfway around the world to a remote village in Finland. His wife died recently in an accident, and Cheng wanted to have a break from everything by traveling with his son to see an old Finnish friend who lives on a farm in the countryside of Finland. It’s the most remote place Cheng can imagine with endless forests, thousands of lakes, a country with entire population of one-fifth of Cheng’s home town, Shanghai.
Cheng, 45, a restaurant owner from China, has travelled with his young son halfway around the world to a remote village in Finland. His wife died recently in an accident, and Cheng wanted to have a break from everything by traveling with his son to see an old Finnish friend who lives on a farm in the countryside of Finland. It’s the most remote place Cheng can imagine with endless forests, thousands of lakes, a country with entire population of one-fifth of Cheng’s home town, Shanghai.