Mathilde - Eine Große Liebe
Jean-Pierre JeunetSchauspieler:
Audrey Tautou, Gaspard Ulliel, Dominique Pinon, Chantal Neuwirth, André Dussollier, Ticky Holgado, Marion Cotillard, Dominique Bettenfeld, Jodie Foster, Jean-Pierre Darroussin, Denis Lavant, Rufus, Jérôme Kircher, Denis Lavant, Albert Dupontel, Elina LöwensohnEnde des Ersten Weltkriegs an der Somme-Front. Weil sie sich aus Hoffnung auf eine verfrühte Heimreise selbst verstümmelten, entsendet die französische Heeresleitung fünf arme Rekruten-Schweine in den scheinbar sicheren Tod im Niemandsland zwischen den Fronten. Mathilde (Audrey Tautou), junge Verlobte des nunmehr offiziell gefallenen Manech (Gaspard Ulliel), will nicht an dessen Tod glauben. Sie geht auf eigene Faust auf die Suche nach der Wahrheit hinter den militärischen Verlautbarungen.
Das komplexe Grauen des Krieges in all seiner schnörkellosen Drastik trifft den verspielten, fantasievollen Stil jenes Mannes, der uns "Die fabelhafte Welt der Amélie" brachte. Es gab viel Trouble um den Film, da er durch amerikanische Gelder finanziert wurde, doch die hohen Erwartungen werden voll und ganz erfüllt.
In 1919, Mathilde was 19 years old. Two years earlier, her fiancé Manech left for the front at the Somme. Like millions of others he was "killed on the field of battle." It's written in black and white on the official notice. But Mathilde refuses to believe it. If Manech had died, she would know. She hangs on to her intuition as tightly as she would onto the last thread of hope linking her to her lover. A former sergeant tells her in vain that Manech died in the no man's land of a trench named Bingo Crepescule, in the company of four other men condemned to die for self-inflicted wounds. Her path ahead is full of obstacles but Mathilde is not frightened. Anything is possible to someone who is willing to challenge fate...
In 1919, Mathilde was 19 years old. Two years earlier, her fiancé Manech left for the front at the Somme. Like millions of others he was "killed on the field of battle." It's written in black and white on the official notice. But Mathilde refuses to believe it. If Manech had died, she would know. She hangs on to her intuition as tightly as she would onto the last thread of hope linking her to her lover. A former sergeant tells her in vain that Manech died in the no man's land of a trench named Bingo Crepescule, in the company of four other men condemned to die for self-inflicted wounds. Her path ahead is full of obstacles but Mathilde is not frightened. Anything is possible to someone who is willing to challenge fate...