Max und Moritz Reloaded
Thomas Frydetzki, Annette StefanSchauspieler:
Ben Becker, Kai Michael Müller, Franziska Petri, Harry Baer, Stefan Lampadius, Katy Karrenbauer, Willi Gerk, Steffen Jürgens, Sebastian Krumbiegel, Toni Krahl, Karen Böhne, Armin Dillenberger, Antonia Cäcilia Holfelder, Tini Howarth, Roxanne BorskiMax und Moritz (Willi Gerk und Kai Müller), rebellische Teenager vom Scheitel bis zur Sohle, haben es zu weit getrieben. Jetzt können nicht mal mehr Mutter Rita (Katy Karrenbauer) und die nette Frau vom Sozialamt (Franziska Petri) ihre Einweisung in ein ostdeutsches Boot Camp verhindern. Dort warten bereits zwei schwule Ex-NVA-Offiziere (Sebastian Krumbiegel und Toni Krahl) auf die Knaben, um sie in wertvolle Mitglieder der Gesellschaft zu verwandeln.
Satirische Annäherung an den Wilhelm-Busch-Klassiker vom Leipziger Arthouse-Punk Thomas Frydetzki. Drehbuchautor Eckhard Theophil ("Männerpension") verarbeitete für das Skript angeblich eigene Erlebnisse als Pädagoge schwer erziehbarer Kinder.
ax and Moritz are two young brothers living an adventurous life of petty crime in Hamburg, Germany. After the two boys steal a car and get into an accident, with the adolescent daughter of a Hamburg Senator sitting in the passenger seat, the two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp. This military-style camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers who still strongly believe in Communism but are secretly gay lovers. Max and Moritz steal another car...a red Ferrari owned by small-town pimp Murder-Hanne. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson, but Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they acquire the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change.
ax and Moritz are two young brothers living an adventurous life of petty crime in Hamburg, Germany. After the two boys steal a car and get into an accident, with the adolescent daughter of a Hamburg Senator sitting in the passenger seat, the two scoundrels are packed up and sent to a boot camp. This military-style camp is run by Axel and Henry, two former East German soldiers who still strongly believe in Communism but are secretly gay lovers. Max and Moritz steal another car...a red Ferrari owned by small-town pimp Murder-Hanne. The nationalistic sadist teaches the boys a painful lesson, but Max and Moritz wouldn’t be Max and Moritz if they let this weekend-fascist get them down... and when they acquire the key to their military school’s ordinance depot, things start to change.