Meet the Feebles
Peter JacksonSchauspieler:
Brian Sergent, Danny Mulheron, Donna Akersten, Stuart Devenie, Mark Hadlow, Ross Jolly, Peter Vere-Jones, Mark WrightAusgerechnet an dem Tage, da die "Feebles Variety Show" erstmals im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt werden soll, kommt Heidi das Nilpferd, schwergewichtiger Star des Ensembles, dahinter, daß ihr langjähriger Manager und Geliebter, Bletch das Walross, sie betrügt. Die Fetzen fliegen, die Show gerät in Gefahr. Bletch ist allerdings noch aus anderen Gründen schwer unter Druck. Seine gewinnstarke Stellung im Drogen- und Pornomarkt wird ihm von Mr. Big, dem Wal, streitig gemacht. Die beiden Rivalen und ihre Schergen geraten aneinander. Zum Verhängnis wird Betch das Herzeleid seiner abgehalfterten Geliebten. Das eifersüchtige Nilpferd erschießt den treulosen Schurken.
Heidi, the star of the "Meet The Feebles Variety Hour" discovers her lover Bletch, The Walrus, is cheating on her, and with all the world waiting for the show the assorted co-stars must contend with their own problems. These include drug addiction, extortion, robbery, disease, Drug dealing, and even murder. While this is happening the love between two of the stars is threatened by the devious Trevor the Rat, who wishes to exploit the young starlet for use in his porno movie business.
Heidi, the star of the "Meet The Feebles Variety Hour" discovers her lover Bletch, The Walrus, is cheating on her, and with all the world waiting for the show the assorted co-stars must contend with their own problems. These include drug addiction, extortion, robbery, disease, Drug dealing, and even murder. While this is happening the love between two of the stars is threatened by the devious Trevor the Rat, who wishes to exploit the young starlet for use in his porno movie business.