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Emily AtefSchauspieler:
Vicky Krieps, Gaspard Ulliel, Bjørn Floberg, Sophie Langevin, Valérie Bodson, Jérémy Barbier d'Hiver, Marion Cadeau, Yacine Sif El Islam, Estelle Kerkor, Nathalie Man, Baptiste Girard, Tom Linton, Bess Davies, Astrid Overå, Matthieu ChedidHéléne und Mathieu sind seit vielen Jahren ein glückliches Paar. In Bordeaux führen die beiden ein bescheidenes Leben. Ihr idyllisches Leben gerät ins Wanken, als bei Héléne eine seltene Lungenkrankheit diagnostiziert wird. Die junge Frau sucht Antworten und landet schließlich bei dem norwegischen Blogger Mister, den sie ohne Matthieu besucht. Inmitten der faszinierenden skandinavischen Natur beschließt sie ihren letzten Weg ohne ihren Mann zu gehen – doch der ist nicht bereit, einfach so aufzugeben.
Hélène, a 33-year-old woman from Bordeaux, France, lives happily as a couple with Mathieu, her husband of many years. Her life turns upside down the day she learns she has a rare lung disease. Thanks to a blog, she discovers Norway and decides to follow her instinct. Despite all the love she has for her life partner Mathieu, who is very supportive through her illness, she leaves him behind in France and will cross all Europe to Norway alone in search of a new path and to meet a blogger named Mister that she found on the internet.
Hélène, a 33-year-old woman from Bordeaux, France, lives happily as a couple with Mathieu, her husband of many years. Her life turns upside down the day she learns she has a rare lung disease. Thanks to a blog, she discovers Norway and decides to follow her instinct. Despite all the love she has for her life partner Mathieu, who is very supportive through her illness, she leaves him behind in France and will cross all Europe to Norway alone in search of a new path and to meet a blogger named Mister that she found on the internet.