Mein Bruder, die Pfadfinderin!
Mark L. TaylorSchauspieler:
Hutch Dano, G. Hannelius, Vicki Lewis, Kelsey AsbilleDer 16-jährige Aaron Pearson ist der selbstüberzeugte Eishockeystar seiner Schule und denkt gar nicht daran, der neue Pfadfinderinnen-Führer seiner kleinen Schwester zu werden. Als er durch einen Trick dann aber doch dazu gebracht wird, glaubt er, es wäre mit seinem coolen Leben vorbei - bis er merkt, dass man die kleinen Pfadfinderinnen wunderbar als unbezahlte Arbeitskräfte benutzen kann, um Hausarbeit, Hausaufgaben und alles andere erledigen zu lassen ...
Alex Pearson has a lot to learn about teamwork. As the star of the Lemon Oaks hockey team, Alex almost always has his way on and off the ice. That ism until he pulls a stunt so outrageous not even his own coach can give him a pass. His punishment? Suspension from the team, a never-ending list of chores and a job watching his little sister Emily after school.
Alex Pearson has a lot to learn about teamwork. As the star of the Lemon Oaks hockey team, Alex almost always has his way on and off the ice. That ism until he pulls a stunt so outrageous not even his own coach can give him a pass. His punishment? Suspension from the team, a never-ending list of chores and a job watching his little sister Emily after school.