Mein Mann, ein Mörder
Lancelot von NasoSchauspieler:
Ulrike Arnold, Ulrike Kriener, Veronica Ferres, Ulrich Noethen, Stephan Bissmeier, Butz Ulrich Buse, Michael Brandner, Tim Seyfi, Mehdi Nebbou, Esther Zimmering, Giulio Ricciarelli, Judith Al BakriPaul Frei (Ulriche Noethen) ist zwar eine Führungsperson, kommt jedoch nicht gegen die Waffen seiner Geliebten Nora (Esther Zimmering) an. Diese ist ein richtiges Luder und treibt ein böses Spiel mit ihm. Pauls Frau Minette (Veronica Ferres), erkennt, dass ihr Mann schon seit längerem eine Affäre hat. Sie spioniert den beiden nach und verfolgt ihren Ehemann sogar in den Liebesurlaub nach Prag. Doch Paul kommt allein und reumütig aus dem Urlaub zurück und Minette wird klar, dass ihr Mann ein viel schlimmeres Vergehen begangen haben könnte.
Minette and Paul are married and seem to lead a happy family life. But when Paul began gradually to move away from his wife, it decides to spin and managed to watch the tryst he gave Nora, his new conquest, in a hotel room. The betrayed wife keeps to herself what she witnessed, even when it crosses the opera which was favored by her husband. Following a violent altercation between two lovers, the master mysteriously disappears. The former partner it makes contact with Minette and claims that Paul murdered Nora. To support his point, he shows Minette photo of a dead body could be that of the missing young woman ... A crossover lover-like thriller, where the characters and spectators alike struggle to discern truth from falsehood.
Minette and Paul are married and seem to lead a happy family life. But when Paul began gradually to move away from his wife, it decides to spin and managed to watch the tryst he gave Nora, his new conquest, in a hotel room. The betrayed wife keeps to herself what she witnessed, even when it crosses the opera which was favored by her husband. Following a violent altercation between two lovers, the master mysteriously disappears. The former partner it makes contact with Minette and claims that Paul murdered Nora. To support his point, he shows Minette photo of a dead body could be that of the missing young woman ... A crossover lover-like thriller, where the characters and spectators alike struggle to discern truth from falsehood.