Meine liebe Rabenmutter
Frank PerrySchauspieler:
Xander Berkeley, Diana Scarwid, Howard Da Silva, Faye Dunaway, Priscilla Pointer, Gary Allen, Rutanya Alda, Steve Forrest, Mara Hobel, Harry Goz, Michael Edwards, Jocelyn Brando, Joe Abdullah, Selma Archerd, Adrian AronAuf dem Höhepunkt ihrer Karriere adoptiert Joan Crawford 1940 die drei Monate alte Christina, um die sich eine Kinderschwester kümmert. Joans Erfolgssucht kennt keine Grenzen. Sie terrorisiert Christina mit Reinlichkeitsfimmel und emotionalen Wechselbädern. Als ihre Karriere trotz Oscar-Gewinn 1946 und weiteren Nominierungen abnimmt, verfällt Crawford exzessivem Alkoholismus, den sie kaum zu übertünchen vermag. Ihre Wutausbrüche nehmen immer heftigere Formen an. Mutter und Tochter sind in inniger Hassliebe verbunden.
Based on the book about Joan Crawford, one of the great Hollywood actresses of our time, written by her adopted daughter Christina Crawford. Joan decides to adopt children of her own to fill a void in her life. Yet, her problems with alcohol, men, and the pressures of show business get in the way of her personal life, turning her into a mentally abusive wreck seen through the eyes of Christina and her brother Christopher, who unwillingly bore the burden of life that was unseen behind the closed doors of "The Most Beautiful House in Brentwood."
Based on the book about Joan Crawford, one of the great Hollywood actresses of our time, written by her adopted daughter Christina Crawford. Joan decides to adopt children of her own to fill a void in her life. Yet, her problems with alcohol, men, and the pressures of show business get in the way of her personal life, turning her into a mentally abusive wreck seen through the eyes of Christina and her brother Christopher, who unwillingly bore the burden of life that was unseen behind the closed doors of "The Most Beautiful House in Brentwood."