Mexico Barbaro - Grausame Legenden
Lex Ortega, Jorge Michel Grau, Gigi Saúl Guerrero, Ulises Guzmán Reyes, Aarón SotoSchauspieler:
Joyce Cuervo, Leslie Arce, Sara Camacho, Dulce Alexa, Adrián Aguirre, Mayra Angélica Chávez, Ana Rosa Dávila, Mayra Espinoza, Ana Castro, Diana Contreras, Emi Kamito, Ken Dresen, Gabriel Carter, Breann Grainger, Aria DeMaris, Leif BridgmanAcht wilde mexikanische Regisseure erwecken die grausame Sagenwelt ihres Landes zu furchterregendem Leben. Verstörende Geschichten erzählen von lüsternen Trollen, Geistern, Monstern, aztekischen Blutopfern und natürlich dem Tag der Toten. Von surrealem Grusel bis zu totalem Terror - "Mexico Barbaro" zeigt die Legenden und Mythen Mexicos von ihrer blutigen Seite.
Eine mexikanische Anthologie der Grausamkeiten.
Eight tales based on the most brutally terrifying Mexican traditions and legends, an anthology of haunting stories woven into the fabric of the Mexican culture, some told through the centuries and some new, but all equally frightening. Bogeymen, trolls, ghosts, monsters, all brought to life. Time for Aztec sacrifices. This is the Day of the Dead.
Eight tales based on the most brutally terrifying Mexican traditions and legends, an anthology of haunting stories woven into the fabric of the Mexican culture, some told through the centuries and some new, but all equally frightening. Bogeymen, trolls, ghosts, monsters, all brought to life. Time for Aztec sacrifices. This is the Day of the Dead.