Millennium - Die 4. Dimension
Michael AndersonSchauspieler:
Philip Akin, Kris Kristofferson, Lawrence Dane, Maury Chaykin, Daniel J. Travanti, Peter Dvorsky, Al Waxman, Lloyd Bochner, Cheryl Ladd, Robert Joy, Brent Carver, David McIlwraith, Thomas Hauff, Raymond O'Neill, David CalderisiNach dem unerklärlichen Zusammenstoß zweier Passagierflugzeuge erhält Katastrophenexperte Bill Smith den Auftrag, die Ursache des furchtbaren Unglücks herauszufinden. Nach und nach kommt er dem Geheimnis auf die Spur. Im vierten Jahrtausend ist die Menschheit unfruchtbar. Um dem Aussterben zu entgehen, begeben sich Elitekrieger auf die Zeitreise zurück ins Jahr 1989. Ihre Mission ist es, Menschen in die Zukunft zu entführen, um ein Überleben zu sichern. Auf gar keinen Fall darf dabei die Vergangenheit verändert werden - denn sollte dies geschehen, hat es die Vernichtung der Zukunft zur Folge.
Bill Smith, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), has been assigned to determine whether human error is the cause of an airline crash. He and his team of investigators are very confused by the words on the cockpit voice recorder by the crew relating to the crash. But at the same time, a theoretical physicist named Dr. Arnold Mayer has a real professional curiosity about the crash, which borders on science fiction. While giving a university lecture, he talks about time travel and the possibility of visitors from the future. Smith discovers the involvement of an organization of time travellers from a future Earth irreparably polluted who seek to rejuvenate mankind from those about to perish in the past.
Bill Smith, chief investigator for the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB), has been assigned to determine whether human error is the cause of an airline crash. He and his team of investigators are very confused by the words on the cockpit voice recorder by the crew relating to the crash. But at the same time, a theoretical physicist named Dr. Arnold Mayer has a real professional curiosity about the crash, which borders on science fiction. While giving a university lecture, he talks about time travel and the possibility of visitors from the future. Smith discovers the involvement of an organization of time travellers from a future Earth irreparably polluted who seek to rejuvenate mankind from those about to perish in the past.