Mirrors 2
Víctor GarcíaSchauspieler:
Emmanuelle Vaugier, Nick Stahl, William Katt, Jon Michael Davis, Christy Carlson Romano, Lance E. Nichols, Wayne Pére, Stephanie Honoré, Evan Jones, Oneal A. Isaac, Lawrence Turner, Ann McKenzie, Jenny Shakeshaft, Alex Diaz, Kevin WasnerDer junge Max leidet schwer am Verlust der Lebensgefährtin, die bei einem von ihm verursachten Unfall auf tragische Weise ums Leben kam. Sein Vater, der reiche Geschäftsmann, möchte Max auf andere Gedanken bringen und überträgt ihm den Posten des Nachtwächters im frisch renovierten Luxuskaufhaus Mayflower, das er gerade neu eröffnet. Bzw. wieder eröffnet, denn nach einer Serie rätselhafter Vorkommnisse und Todesfälle ward das Mayflower einst geschlossen. Nun gehen Spuk wie Sterben wieder los, und Max will herausfinden, was dahinter steckt.
Nick Stahl, der John Connor aus "Terminator 3", gibt den psychisch labilen Helden und sieht abgemagert und mit geränderten Augen gar selbst ein wenig aus wie der Tod im effektvollen und atmosphärisch dichten Sequel zu Alexandre Ajas "Mirrors", bei dem einst Kiefer Sutherland schlechte Erfahrungen in Killerspiegelwelten sammelte. War Aja dort noch an mythologischem Hintergrundkonstrukt interessiert, so steht im Sequel allein ein gradliniger Bodycount mit möglichst kreativen Todesarten auf dem Programm.
While driving on the road with his fiancée Kayla, Max Matheson has a serious car accident and they both die. However, Max is resuscitated and one year later he is an emotionally disturbed man with the guilty complex for the murder of his beloved fiancée and under psychological treatment with Dr. Beaumont. When his father Jack Matheson reopens the Mayflower Department Store in New Orleans, his security guard Henry Schow has an accident and Jack invites Max to be his replacement to help in his cure. Max accepts the job and his father introduces him to the store manager Keller Landreaux; the buyer Jenna McCarty; and the vice-president of operations Ryan Parker. Max has visions of a dead woman and he foresees the death of Jenna and Ryan in the mirror. Sooner Max finds that he has the ability to see Eleanor Reigns, an employee that is missing, and he contacts her sister Elizabeth Reigns to know details of her disappearance. He finds that Jenna, Ryan and Keller were responsible for a ...
While driving on the road with his fiancée Kayla, Max Matheson has a serious car accident and they both die. However, Max is resuscitated and one year later he is an emotionally disturbed man with the guilty complex for the murder of his beloved fiancée and under psychological treatment with Dr. Beaumont. When his father Jack Matheson reopens the Mayflower Department Store in New Orleans, his security guard Henry Schow has an accident and Jack invites Max to be his replacement to help in his cure. Max accepts the job and his father introduces him to the store manager Keller Landreaux; the buyer Jenna McCarty; and the vice-president of operations Ryan Parker. Max has visions of a dead woman and he foresees the death of Jenna and Ryan in the mirror. Sooner Max finds that he has the ability to see Eleanor Reigns, an employee that is missing, and he contacts her sister Elizabeth Reigns to know details of her disappearance. He finds that Jenna, Ryan and Keller were responsible for a ...