Lars JessenSchauspieler:
Charly Hübner, Lennard Conrad, Peter Franke, Rainer Bock, Hildegard Schmahl, Gabriela Maria Schmeide, Gro Swantje Kohlhof, Dieter Schaad, Michael Lott, Julika Jenkins, Nicki von Tempelhoff, Sebastian Fräsdorf, Katinka Auberger, Peter Jordan, Jan Georg SchütteAls seine Großmutter Ella (Hildegard Schmahl) zusehends verwirrter wird und sein Großvater Sönke (Peter Franke) sich einfach nicht von seiner Kneipe, dem Dorfkrug, trennen will, sieht der 47-jährige Ingwer Feddersen (Charly Hübner) die Zeit gekommen, wieder in sein Heimatdorf zurückzukehren. Der Dorfkrug ist nicht mehr das, was er einst war – doch das trifft auf das ganze Dorf zu. Ingwer fragt sich, wann genau der Zeitpunkt war, an dem es mit dem Dorf Brinkebüll bergab ging? War es in den 1970ern, als nach der Flurbereinigung die Hecken und dann auch die Vögel verschwanden? Als immer größere Landwirtschaftsbetriebe gebaut wurden, sodass kleinere weichen mussten? Ist vielleicht er schuld, weil er seinen Großvater mit der Gastronomie alleine ließ, um in Kiel zu studieren?
Basiert auf Dörte Hansens gleichnamigen Roman aus dem Jahre 2018.
When his grandmother Ella becomes increasingly confused and his grandfather Sönke simply doesn't want to part with his pub, the Dorfkrug, 47-year-old Ingwer Feddersen sees the time has come to return to his home village Brinkebüll. The village tavern isn't what it used to be - but that's also true for the whole village. Ingwer wonders when exactly was the point in time when the village of Brinkebüll went downhill? Was it in the 1970s when the hedges disappeared after the land consolidation and then the birds too? When larger and larger farms were built so that smaller ones had to give way? Is it perhaps his fault because he left his grandfather alone with gastronomy to study in Kiel? Based on Dörte Hansen's 2018 novel of the same name.
When his grandmother Ella becomes increasingly confused and his grandfather Sönke simply doesn't want to part with his pub, the Dorfkrug, 47-year-old Ingwer Feddersen sees the time has come to return to his home village Brinkebüll. The village tavern isn't what it used to be - but that's also true for the whole village. Ingwer wonders when exactly was the point in time when the village of Brinkebüll went downhill? Was it in the 1970s when the hedges disappeared after the land consolidation and then the birds too? When larger and larger farms were built so that smaller ones had to give way? Is it perhaps his fault because he left his grandfather alone with gastronomy to study in Kiel? Based on Dörte Hansen's 2018 novel of the same name.