Paul AnnettSchauspieler:
Michael Gambon, Anton Diffring, Peter Cushing, Andrew Lodge, Calvin Lockhart, Marlene Clark, Charles Gray, Ciaran Madden, Tom Chadbon, Sam Mansary, Carl Bohen, Eric CarteDer reiche und exzentrische Tom Newcliff (Calvin Lockhart) ist ein besessener Jäger. Er hat alles erlegt und gejagt. Das einzige was ihm noch fehlt ist ein Werwolf.
Als er sich eine Gruppe von Gästen auf sein Anwesen einlädt, ahnt keiner der Gäste was Newcliff vorhat. Er will einen der Anwesenden als Werwolf entlarven. Dazu hat er sein Anwesen in eine Art Hochsicherheitszone verwandelt, mit Kameras und Mikrofonen sowie zahlreichen anderen Absicherungen.
Als der Vollmond aufgeht, entwickelt sich die Jagd doch recht schnell in eine Richtung, mit der wohl keiner gerechnet hat. Nicht nur das die wahre Identität des Werwolfs weiter im Verborgenen bleibt, auch gibt es die ersten Toten und aus dem Jäger wird schnell der Gejagte.....
Tom Newcliffe, a rich businessman and expert hunter summons six guests to his huge country estate which he has rigged up with video cameras and a high-tech security system. He tells them and his surprised wife that they are all to stay over a weekend and that all of them will be kept on the estate during that weekend. For each guest, dead bodies have followed in their wake and the way that the dead have been murdered means that one of the guest is a werewolf and Tom has summoned his guests here to discover who it is and to hunt it down... The film has a clip at the beginning asking people in the audience to try to identify the werewolf and near the end there is a 30-second "Werewolf Break" for the audience to think over the evidence...
Tom Newcliffe, a rich businessman and expert hunter summons six guests to his huge country estate which he has rigged up with video cameras and a high-tech security system. He tells them and his surprised wife that they are all to stay over a weekend and that all of them will be kept on the estate during that weekend. For each guest, dead bodies have followed in their wake and the way that the dead have been murdered means that one of the guest is a werewolf and Tom has summoned his guests here to discover who it is and to hunt it down... The film has a clip at the beginning asking people in the audience to try to identify the werewolf and near the end there is a 30-second "Werewolf Break" for the audience to think over the evidence...