Monster aus dem All
Kinji Fukasaku, Katsuhiko TaguchiSchauspieler:
Robert Horton, Luciana Paluzzi, Richard Jaeckel, Bud Widom, Ted Gunther, David Yorston, Robert Dunham, Gary Randolf, Jack Morrisey, Eugene Vince, Don Plante, Linda Hardisty, Richard Hylland, Kathy Horan, Ann Ault, Linda MillerEin gigantischer, mit Schleim bedeckter Asteroid droht, auf die Erde zu stoßen. Ein paar Astronauten von einer nahe gelegenen Raumstation sollen den Asteroiden mit einer Atombombe sprengen. Die Mission verläuft erfolgreich. Als Astronaut Jack Rankin jedoch zurückkehrt, stellt sich heraus, dass er versehentlich eine Portion des Schleims mitgebracht hat, der den, der ihn berührt, in ein rasendes Ungeheuer verwandelt.
A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they return to the station unknowingly bringing back a gooey green substance that mutates into one-eyed tentacled monsters that feed off electricity. Soon the station is crawling with them, and people are being zapped left and right!
A giant asteroid is heading toward Earth so some astronauts disembark from a nearby space station to blow it up. The mission is successful, and they return to the station unknowingly bringing back a gooey green substance that mutates into one-eyed tentacled monsters that feed off electricity. Soon the station is crawling with them, and people are being zapped left and right!