Mord im Zwiebelfeld
Harold BeckerSchauspieler:
John Savage, James Woods, Franklyn Seales, Ted Danson, Ronny Cox, David Huffman, Christopher Lloyd, Dianne Hull, Priscilla Pointer, Beege Barkette, Richard Herd, Le Tari, Richard Venture, Lee Weaver, Pat Corley, K CallanLos Angeles 1963. Jimmy Smith und Gregory Powell wollen in Las Vegas Waffen kaufen, werden bei einer Routinekntrolle gestoppt und kidnappen die Polizisten Campbell und Hettinger. Sie erschießen Campbell, Hettinger entkommt. Die Polizistenmörder werden zum Tode verurteilt. Die Vollstreckung zieht sich wegen Revisionsverfahren hin. Powell eignet sich juristische Kenntnisse an, zögert die Hinrichtung hinaus. Hettinger ist am Schuldtrauma zerbrochen, verliert vor Gericht die Balance. Die Todesstrafe wird abgeschafft, die Mörder werden entlassen.
Greg Powell, a disturbed ex-con, recruits Jimmy Youngblood (Smith) a petty thief, as partner in crime. Powell panics when they two of are pulled over by two cops for tail lights. Powell decides to kidnap the cops and Smith goes along with his crazy scheme. They drive out to a deserted onion field in Bakersfield, where one cop is killed and the other escapes. The film explores the consequences.
Greg Powell, a disturbed ex-con, recruits Jimmy Youngblood (Smith) a petty thief, as partner in crime. Powell panics when they two of are pulled over by two cops for tail lights. Powell decides to kidnap the cops and Smith goes along with his crazy scheme. They drive out to a deserted onion field in Bakersfield, where one cop is killed and the other escapes. The film explores the consequences.