Mørke sjeler
César Ducasse, Mathieu PeteulSchauspieler:
Morten Rudå, Kyrre Haugen Sydness, Ida Elise Broch, Johanna GustavssonEin Serientäter macht die Gegend unsicher und bohrt arglosen Leuten den Schädel auf. Die Opfer aber überleben allesamt auf wundersame Weise den Gewaltakt, verändern jedoch ihre Persönlichkeit, mutieren zu einer Art Zombie, speien Unmengen öliger Flüssigkeit. Ein verzweifelter Vater, dessen Tochter zum Opfer wurde, macht sich persönlich auf die Tätersuche und kommt der Polizei zuvor. Die Tochter bringt er derweil zu Hause unter. Auch wenn das bedeutet, vorläufig Möbel und Böden mit Plastikbahnen zu überziehen.
A young girl, Johanna, is attacked and seemingly murdered. Her father receives a phone call from the police pronouncing her dead as he sees her walk in the front door of their house. Strange things begin to happen to Johanna; she is disorientated and becomes pale and unresponsive. Similar attacks begin to happen, and Johanna’s father takes it on himself to find out the truth. He embarks on a dark thrill ride of lost memories, conspiracy, and zombie-like symptoms. Finding the mysterious darkness within is the source of the bizarre world he has uncovered.
A young girl, Johanna, is attacked and seemingly murdered. Her father receives a phone call from the police pronouncing her dead as he sees her walk in the front door of their house. Strange things begin to happen to Johanna; she is disorientated and becomes pale and unresponsive. Similar attacks begin to happen, and Johanna’s father takes it on himself to find out the truth. He embarks on a dark thrill ride of lost memories, conspiracy, and zombie-like symptoms. Finding the mysterious darkness within is the source of the bizarre world he has uncovered.