Maddie Ziegler, Mary Kay Place, Leslie Odom Jr., Braeden Marcott, Beto Calvillo, Kate Hudson, Juliette Lewis, Brandon Soo Hoo, Kathy Najimy, Tig Notaro, Henry Rollins, Ben Schwartz, Héctor Elizondo, Sia, Angelina Capozzoli, Christina VeronicaZu (Kate Hudson) ist gerade ganz frisch trocken, als sie unerwartete Neuigkeiten erhält: Sie soll der alleinige Vormund ihrer Halbschwester Music (Maddie Ziegler) werden, einem Mädchen auf dem autistischen Spektrum.
Zunächst nähert sie sich der herausfordernden Aufgabe unsicher. Wie soll sie mit einem Familienmitglied kommunizieren, das nicht spricht? Doch langsam beginnen die zwei Schwester sich auch ohne Worte immer besser zu verstehen.
Zu, a free spirit estranged from her family, who suddenly finds herself the sole guardian of her half-sister, Music a teenager on the autism spectrum whose whole world order had been beautifully crafted by her late grandmother. The film soon challenges whether it is Zu or Music who has a better view of the world, and that love, trust, and being able to be there for each other is everything.
Zu, a free spirit estranged from her family, who suddenly finds herself the sole guardian of her half-sister, Music a teenager on the autism spectrum whose whole world order had been beautifully crafted by her late grandmother. The film soon challenges whether it is Zu or Music who has a better view of the world, and that love, trust, and being able to be there for each other is everything.