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Michael RowitzSchauspieler:
Simone Thomalla, Sven Martinek, Jutta Wachowiak, Alea Sophia Boudodimos, Bruno Eyron, Wolfgang Winkler, Sandra Steinbach, Lukas Schust, Tara Fischer, Elisa MonseDie Schriftstellerin Sofie lebt mit ihrer Tochter, ihrem Sohn und ihrer mütterlichen Freundin Rosa in einer hübschen Leipziger Stadtvilla. Ihr Leben scheint die alleinerziehende Frau fest im Griff zu haben – wenn da nicht diese Schreibblockade wäre, die sie an der Fertigstellung ihres neuen Liebesromans hindert. Zu allem Überfluss taucht völlig überraschend ihre Jugendliebe Vincent auf: Vor 15 Jahren hatte der sie über Nacht verlassen und ihr damit das Herz gebrochen. Nun fürchtet sie, dass der unstete Abenteurer erneut ihr Leben durcheinanderwirbeln könnte. Trotzdem kann Sofie sich nicht dagegen wehren, dass allmählich die alten Gefühle wiedererwachen.
The writer Sofie lives with her daughter, her son and her motherly friend Rosa in a pretty Leipzig city villa. Her life seems to have a firm grip on the single mother - if it were not for this writer's block that prevents her from completing her new romance novel. To make matters worse, her childhood sweetheart Vincent emerges completely unexpectedly. Vincent, Rosa's son, left her 15 years ago overnight. She has never heard from him since. Therefore, she tries to keep secret from him that she connects far more than a broken love ...
The writer Sofie lives with her daughter, her son and her motherly friend Rosa in a pretty Leipzig city villa. Her life seems to have a firm grip on the single mother - if it were not for this writer's block that prevents her from completing her new romance novel. To make matters worse, her childhood sweetheart Vincent emerges completely unexpectedly. Vincent, Rosa's son, left her 15 years ago overnight. She has never heard from him since. Therefore, she tries to keep secret from him that she connects far more than a broken love ...